"What could possibly go wrong?" 。
This is how a message signed "The people of Germany" and addressed to the American people ahead of the presidential elections ended. 。
The content is clear: if you elect Donald Trump to the top post, you're going to end up with your own Adolf Hitler. 。
SEE ALSO:Trump predicts 'Brexit plus plus plus'。"Dear Americans," it started. “Go ahead, vote for the guy with the loud voice who hates minorities, threatens to imprison his opponent, doesn’t give a fuck about democracy, and claims he alone can fix everything. What could possibly go wrong?”
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The message was posted on Twitter -- where it went viral and was re-tweeted by J.K. Rowling, among others -- by "Johan Franklin," a pseudonym for a German 44-year-old IT consultant, who currently lives in San Diego, California.。
Thanks for signing up! 。
After the post went viral, "Franklin" wrote another post to clarify he doesn't work for the Clinton campaign and, as a German citizen, cannot vote for the presidential elections. He also revealed he received death threats from Trump supporters on Twitter: 。
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"Some people suspect me to work for the Clinton campaign. I don’t, but I’d vote for her if I could (I can’t. I’m German. Pay attention.)" he said. 。
"And of course she’s not the perfect candidate either, far from it. But I compare what I hear about her with what I hear about (or rather, directly from) Trump, and I really don’t know how anyone could think that’s comparable." 。
"Franklin" also defended his choice of signing the letter on behalf of the people of Germany, saying it is a "way of overdramatising to add emphasis."。