Street Fighter 。is turning 30, so Capcom is releasing one heck of an anniversary collection.。
Set for release in May 2018, the 。 Street Fighter。30th Anniversary Collection will feature 12 games, including the 1987 original。 Street Fighter.。 Time to annoy your parents. 。
SEE ALSO:Steam no longer accepting Bitcoin as payment, because it's too volatile 。Along with the OG, you'll get 11 classic games from。 Street Fighter II。, through to。 Street Fighter III: Third Strike 。. 。
Credit: capcom/screenshot。 Capcom released a rather emotionally charged video announcement for the collection, which celebrates over 60。SF。
characters and 40 million units sold in the last 30 years:。According to the video, four games in the set ( 。Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting。 ,Super Street Fighter II: Turbo 。 ,Street Fighter Alpha 3, and。Street Fighter III: Third Strike 。
) will have an online multiplayer mode, with global leaderboards. 。
Plus, the set will come with an interactive timeline, concept art, and music archive. 。
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