We hold these truths to be self evident: don't mess with NPR. 。
It's not like the company is above criticism. But there should be nothing less controversial than for the station to do what they did on Tuesday, and tweet out the Declaration of Independence for the Fourth of July. 。
Credit: wikimedia 。
Alas, some Trump supporters who were seemingly unfamiliar with the historic declaration, took offense on Twitter.。
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SEE ALSO:Chris Christie's day in the sun got him burned by the internet 。
Blind partisanship and a deep-seated distrust of NPR appears to have made some supporters lash out at the station for tweeting out a document that was last controversial in, um, 1776. 。
They saw the tweets as being anti-Trump, not anti-tyrannical dead King.。
They saw the tweets as being anti-Trump, not anti-tyrannical dead King. 。
Just take a look for yourself.。
A few of the replies to NPR’s tweeting the Declaration of Independence on this, the 4th of July. pic.twitter.com/v56DGg57Nt。
— Brent Jones (brentajones) July 4, 2017 。
I think this one is officially my favorite response to the Declaration of Independence pic.twitter.com/jr9q6wobdq 。
— Amanda Bise (amandabise) July 5, 2017。
NPR tweeted out the entire Declaration of Independence, and wow... uh... the responses are... something. pic.twitter.com/KurdVurRgW 。
— Parker Molloy (ParkerMolloy) July 5, 2017。
*heavy sigh* pic.twitter.com/Pb35SNDKqe 。
— Melissa Martin (DoubleEmMartin) July 4, 2017。