HBO is having a bad week. 。
After HBO Spain accidentally released an unaired episode of。 Game of Thrones。, the hackers that claim to have stolen 1.5 terabytes of data from the network just showed up to add insult to injury. Specifically, on August 16 they released what they're calling the "4th Wave HBO Leak." 。
Mashable 。 Mashable。
was able to obtain a portion of the newly leaked documents, and oh boy, they're quite something. 。SEE ALSO:HBO offered hackers a 'bounty payment' of $250,000 last month 。 The files in the dump contain everything from 。Westworld 。Season 2 shooting schedules to 27 separate 。 Game of Thrones。 Season 7 "shooting [diaries]" — along with plenty of other inside information.。 Mashable。
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Thanks for signing up!。 Fans itching for an advanced look at the escapades of their favorite dragons will most likely be disappointed, because the dump doesn’t appear to contain any actual GOT episodes. 。However, should someone be so inclined,
season 2 spoilers could likely be gathered from the show's detailed production calendar (we'll refrain from including those here). 。
A partial file list.Credit: Mashable。
A link to a webpage containing the files was sent to journalists this afternoon from someone identifying themselves as Mr. Smith. "If history repeats itself," the email noted, "HBO may NEVER be the same Again. Winter Really is here."。
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