First Harvey, now Bob.。
The other Weinstein brother is now facing sexual harassment allegations leveled by Amanda Segel, executive producer of。 The Mist。, a Spike TV series. 。
SEE ALSO:Bob Weinstein on Harvey: 'He should never be allowed back, ever.'。Segel alleges that Bob Weinstein pursued her romantically on and off throughout the summer of 2016, while the series was in production. The substance of his actions isn't clear, but reportedly included invitations to private dinners and "romantic overtures," according to 。 Variety 。Variety。
, who broke the story.。
By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。 Thanks for signing up!。"'No' should be enough," Segel told 。
Variety 。 . "After ‘no,’ anybody who has asked you out should just move on. Bob kept referring to me that he wanted to have a friendship. He didn’t want a friendship. He wanted more than that. My hope is that ‘no’ is enough from now on."。A Weinstein representative flatly denied the allegations in a statement to。
A Weinstein representative flatly denied the allegations in a statement to。
Variety 。 , though there's no mention there of Segel's lawyer and his communications with TWC executives. 。"Bob Weinstein had dinner with Ms. Segel in LA in June 2016. He denies any claims that he behaved inappropriately at or after the dinner. It is most unfortunate that any such claim has been made." 。 This past weekend, Bob Weinstein gave an interview to 。This past weekend, Bob Weinstein gave an interview to。
The Hollywood Reporter。 about his brother, Harvey. "I'm mortified and disgusted by my brother's actions," he told 。The Hollywood Reporter 。