One New York family was left in a bit of a spot when their son forgot where he parked his car following a Metallica concert. Luckily, they had a few clues to go on -- they just needed some local help. 。
Nineteen-year-old Gavin Strickland was forced to park his Nissan Versa sedan in a garage several miles away from Toronto's Rogers Center (presumably due to congestion) and take a cab to the venue.。
When the show ended, though, he couldn't remember where the garage was. After searching for hours, he finally took a Greyhound bus back home.。
SEE ALSO:Couple seeks photographer to capture every aspect of their wedding day, including the night.. 。So his parents turned to Craigslist, offering a $100 reward to anyone willing to track the vehicle down. 。
Thanks for signing up! 。
"Our doofy son parked the car in an indoor parking garage, in the first floor (slightly lower / basement level) but that garage cannot now be located..." they wrote. "It is near a Starbucks where there is some construction going on. Also nearby is allegedly a strange spiral outdoor sculpture, and possibly a bank- maybe RBC?" 。"。
The Stricklands also noted Gavin's Canadian flag and Bernie Sanders bumper stickers. 。
Luckily, Toronto is home to amateur sleuth and escape room enthusiast Madison Riddolls, who went hunting for the car after she saw the Craigslist post. She found it early Thursday morning. 。